Saturday, August 10, 2013

(70th Venice International Film Festival) "La Jalousie" According to Philippe Garrel

A 30-year-old man lives with a woman in a small, furnished rental. He has a daughter by another woman, a woman that he abandoned. A theater actor and very poor, he is madly in love with this other woman. She was once a rising star, but all work offers have dried up. The man does everything he can to get her a role, but nothing works out. The woman cheats on him. And then she lives him. He tries to kill himself, but fails. His sister visits him in hospital. She's all he has left, his sister and the theatre...

This drama by Philippe Garrel is selected to be presented, among other films in official competition at the 70th Venice International Film Festival. Protagonists are Louis Garrel, son of the director and Anna Mouglalis.

From the synopsis of the film the story seems entirely suited to Philippe Garrel style. A simple event,  with "jealousy" as a central phenomenon. Only that in this case ( unlike most films with the central theme "jealousy" ) seems that the real concern is not owned by the subject where “jealousy” falls over, but from the one who cultivates this sense. We are not going to see that  typical drunkard or egocentric man that  denigrates his wife's life with his obsessions. Even the term "jealousy" may seem dubious in this case. " Profusely Love " would be the proper term.

Philippe Garrel started his career very early. When he was 16-year-old, he wrote and directed his first film. During his 10-year relationship with Nico (The Velvet Underground) the two artists, inspired by each were in the top of their creativity. During this period, all his films are semi-autobiographical and deeply under the influence of  "underground" culture.

Garrel is generally well rewarded by the Venice International Film Festival. He has twice won the Silver Lion as the best director with "J'entends Plus la Guitare" in 1991 and with "Les amants Réguliers" in 2005, as well as once has won the FIPRESCI prize with "Sauvage Innocence" in 2001.
Philippe Garrel

By Philippe Garrel I will suggest you "La Révélateur" 1968, an experimental silent film, about a family that has survived from a great evil (undefined) and wander scared through the woods of Munich. Basic idea of ​​the film is that the great evil has not come from "aliens", but from the manifestation to the outside world of that non- human side of human.

Or, for those who don’t feel that comfortable with silent films...I suggest "Les amants Réguliers" that takes place in the same historical background of "The Dreamers" and the protagonist is Louis Garrel ;) Led Kasapi

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