Monday, August 5, 2013

(70th Venice International Film Festival) ...Waiting for " Tom à la ferme " by Xavier Dolan

After three films "Je tue ma mere", "Les amours imaginaires" and "Laurence Anyways," Xavier Dolan will be presented at the 70th Festival of Venice with a psychological thriller. After three premieres in Cannes, his next film will debut in Venice.It has been selected to be screened in the main competition section at the 70th Venice International Film Festival .

Dolan and Michel Marc Bouchard (author of the drama) have adapted both the screenplay for the film. "Tom à la ferme " will be a film unlike those films we have seen so far by Dolan.
In this psychological thriller Stockholm Syndrome, mourning and latent violence permeate a story of lies and imposters. A young ad executive travels to the country for a funeral and discovers that no one there knows his name or his relationship with the deceased.Set deep in the farmlands of Quebec, " Tom à la ferme " tells of the growing fissure separating city and country and the respective natures of the men that reside there.

First impression, after reading this simple plot, is that this film seems a bit "darker" than the other films of the 23-year-old director. In the heart of the three previous films proceeds  a common human drama (those that  we encounter almost every day to ourselves or to people around). There are two or three characters and all the drama forwarded through their interaction. But " Tom à la ferme " seems to be more comprehensive. If the first two films "Je tue ma mere" and "Les amours imaginaires" are almost autobiographical, where the main characters are not more than 25 years old; in "Laurence Anyways" there is  a kind of fracture (and increased directing  skills). Although "Laurence Anyways" is  the less estimated of the three films so far by Xavier Dolan.

I think " Tom à la ferme "  will be a test for the director himself. Let’s  Wait and see if this film will result  a success like "Je tue ma mere" and "Les amours imaginaires" or there will be another "Laurence Anyways". If this happens, the second possibility,  Xavier Dolan probably must  continue to create semi-autobiographical films for a little while and then again later he may try any other genre.

Waiting for " Tom à la ferme " , I suggest you to see "Je tue ma mere" (if you haven’t seen it yet, of course) ... to understand why there are so many “great expectations” for this sapling gay artist.

* After being shown at the Cannes Film Festival in 2009,"Je tue ma mere" received an eight-minute standing ovation. (not that bad, right?) ;) Led Kasapi

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